As part of launching in Paris of its new Harmonie Calm product line, which is 100% organic and made using roses, Decléor opened a one-off space in the BHV food court, across from its boutique and institute on rue du Temple. To animate the pop-up stand, Manymany designed a joyous, countryside décor with roses as the theme. On the programme are massages, a prize drawing, tasting of the “Chic des plantes” line of teas created for Decléor, a photocall, and so on, all with a fresh, green plants atmosphere, a veritable bit of Mother Nature right in the heart of Paris!

Echoing that theme, the display windows in the Decléor’s Paris shops are dressed out in giant roses, hanging flowers, and petals that seem to spin twirl round above the products. In order to provide a truly rich experience, each shop is turned into a garden and immerses its customers in a realistic natural setting, where ivy, rose bushes and foliage invite them to relax while discovering the new Harmonie Calm line of products.

For the launching of its mass-market brand and its e-commerce site, Sanelin, an affiliate of Saneco, a French flax fabrics producer in the North of France, presents its 100% flax product line in a one-off shop in the Haut Marais district. Created based on a household functions theme, the scenography encourages visitors to “hang out”, “daydream” or “think creatively” in the midst of a field of flax flowers made of paper. The collections, which are presented in a multitude of colours, are staged in a décor comprised of cut out fibre boards that depict household features. A special DIY space hosts embroidery and personalisation workshops.